Saturday, December 26, 2009


I always despise December 26th because it is all over. The trash can is full of wrapping paper, the once closed stores are stuffed with people trying to return everything and get a bargain on all the Christmas stuff that they are trying to get rid of. Life picks back up and we go back to our busy lives.
There is something about Christmas when people just stop and enjoy each other. A day of laughing, eating, giving to one another, and catching back up. In some ways Christmas is a glorified Sabbath day that we all collectively take together.
Which leads me to think about taking Sabbaths in this world in which we have Blackberries allowing us to work anywhere, everywhere, and anytime we want to, a world in which how much you have determines your rank in life, a world in which companies expect their employees to put in long hours and if you do not want to, there are several people in line waiting to take your spot, and a world that does not seem to be turning back. Taking a day off from everything seems to risky to do to make sure that you are not falling behind.
But that is the key, falling behind what?
As I think about 2010 I want to re-shift my priorities of what is truly important as a child is going to take up a lot of time and energy. While I want to be a good employee and at some point get a solid job for my family, I do want to be able to set aside work which may result in not being promoted or making as much money as I could in exchange of being a good father, husband, and Christ follower.
So in essence I will be freed from this world of "whose who" by choosing what is more important to me.

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