Sunday, February 14, 2010


Today was a day of news.
-A husband and wife shared their first kiss in the front of Church in front of their loved ones as they start their lives together.
-Sunday is the first day of a new week.
-I know of a few couples who are now engaged.
-A good friend called me on the phone telling me he wanted to turn his life around.
(No baby yet, Bekah is a real trooper).
-While the Olympics did not start today, we are still in the beginning of the games in which the dreams and hopes of several athletes are to be put to the test.

New stuff is exciting, full of potential, and necessary for our survival as we battle hurts and pains as the Olympics are overshadowed by the death of an athlete who died on a practice run and two people from South Korea wiped out as they were to finish 2nd and 3rd in a speed skating race.
Similarly this past week was a particularly difficult week with the unexpected bad news of person I was working with.
As I struggled with the events and why God would allow such a thing to happen I found myself feeling totally out of control and empty-handed as I realized (again) that I really do not have control of much of anything.
Then the Lord reminded me of the sermon on the mount where it is the empty that are filled by God and thus blessed (Matthew 5). God uses those who are broken and call out to Him (Luke 18). God makes all things new (Rev. 21:1). God's strength is made perfect in our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9).
So as Sunday comes to a close I am thankful for His constant renewal in our lives as the shadows in our lives prove the sunshine.

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